Cedar of Lebanon

The cedar of Lebanon is indeed the tree seen in the middle of the Lebanese flag. Native to the Middle East, the cedar of Lebanon can grow up to 120 feet. The cones on these trees have an upright, waxy appearance. As they mature, the winged seeds drop off one by one. You can spot them on the ground where they look quite a bit like the leaves of an artichoke, dried out. You can see a beautiful specimen inside the 72nd Street entrance to Central Park near Conservatory Water.
1-1.5 inches long; sharp, pointed, evergreen needles; occur singly on new growth; occur in large, clustered spur shoots in maturity; dark green to gray-green; persisting three to six years -
3-4 inches long, 3 inches wide, upright cones -
Male cones 2-3 inches long, pale yellow on lower crown; female cones erect, purplish -
Initially smooth and gray-brown, later become darker and develop short furrows with scaly ridge tops