Tracey Huff
President, Women's Committee

Tracey Huff has been a dedicated member of the Women’s Committee for over 20 years and has served on the Board since 2015. Her commitment to the Park is evident through her active involvement in various Women’s Committee programs and committees, including the Tree Trust Committee, Bench Committee, Gilder Run Committee, Docent Committee, and The Perimeter Committee. Tracey also co-chaired the Olmsted Luncheon and has served as Executive Treasurer and Executive Vice President. She was elected President of the Women’s Committee in June 2024 and is currently in her two-year term.
Beyond her work with the Women’s Committee, Tracey has held the position of President of The Brick Church Women’s Association Board and continues to serve as a Board Member. She is also a member of The Board for The Boys' Club of New York and has been actively involved with The Junior League of the City of New York, where she has supported and chaired the Thanksgiving Eve Ball.
Tracey earned her BBA from Texas A&M University and an AAS from the New York School of Interior Design. She resides in New York City with her husband, Craig Huff. They have four children, Connor, Lauren, Garrett and Cameron.