Which Autumn Tree Are You?

Autumn in Central Park is simply magical. The air is crisp, birds are flying through for fall migration, and the expansive tree line is evolving to gold, red, and purple. The Park is home to over 18,000 trees—of which around 17,000 are deciduous, shedding their leaves annually—and they are poised to put on another spectacular show for all the foliage fiends out there. (Sign up for our fall guide to access our arborist-approved foliage tracker!)
These trees show lots of personality during this seasonal change—almost as much as our Park visitors. So while the Central Park Conservancy staff gears up for lots of raking ahead, we have to ask: which Central Park tree would you be?
Plant yourself somewhere comfortable, leaf your cares aside, and branch out into the unknown by taking our autumnal quiz (sorry, we had to). Share your results with us on social by tagging @CentralParkNYC on Twitter and Instagram. And don’t forget to join the conversation with #CentralParkFoliageWatch.