Playground Partners (PGP) is a program of the Women’s Committee, geared toward families with children 11 and under, whose mission is to maintain the quality and cleanliness of Central Park's 21 playgrounds. Playground Partners hosts two annual fundraising events: the Winter Luncheon and the Annual Family Party.
Our playgrounds embody the highest standards of safety, innovation, and creativity. Joining as a Playground Partners member is a wonderful way to directly engage in your community of families and neighbors.
When you join as a member, you are partnering with the Conservancy to keep the Park and its playgrounds a place of harmony and respite for all to enjoy, and we need your support this year more than ever.
Our members enjoy benefits like access to members-only programs and discounts on shopping and activities in the Park.
For questions about your membership, please contact our membership team at 212.310.6655 or email [email protected].
+ How long does my membership last? Is it tax deductible?
When joining or renewing as a member, your membership is active for a full 12 months after the date your gift is received. You’ll receive reminders to renew as your membership expiration approaches.
Membership gifts are 100% tax deductible. Once processed, we will send you a tax acknowledgement letter for your records. Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for mailed donations to be processed.
+ What is the most popular membership level?
The most popular level of membership is our Dual Patron ($1,000) level. Patron members and above receive the most sought-after benefits like an invitation to purchase tickets for the Frederick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon and opportunities to volunteer in the Park.
+ What is the difference between the Women’s Committee and Playground Partners? How are these programs different from other Conservancy membership programs?
Joining as a Women’s Committee member connects you a network of likeminded women, who care for central park. There are many opportunities to engage with a deeper level of volunteerism, including volunteer subcommittees and engagement events like bench painting or walkway cleanup.
Women’s Committee and Playground Partners members also receive invitations to opportunities different from those of our general Conservancy members, including invitations to purchase tickets for the Fredrick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon and the Annual Family Party.
Playground Partners (PGP) is a membership program within the Women’s Committee geared toward families with children 11 and under. PGP members receive invitations to a variety of family-oriented programming, such as Family Volunteer days and our Annual Family Party. All membership gifts for Playground Partners goes directly towards supporting the Park’s 21 playgrounds.
Playground Partners members at the Patron level ($1,000) and above become “dual members” of both Women’s Committee and PGP, and receive the same perks as our Women’s Committee members at equivalent levels.
+ How can I come to the Hat Luncheon?
Our Fredrick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon, also known as the “Hat Luncheon,” occurs on the first Wednesday of May every year. This invitation-only event raises over $4 million each year in support of the Park and honors some of the Park’s biggest supporters.
Women's Committee and Playground Partners members at the Patron level ($1,000) and above are invited to purchase tickets. Members at the Women’s Committee Benefactor level or Playground Steward Level ($5,000) and above are invited to join the Luncheon’s Benefit Committee and receive early access to purchase tickets.
To purchase a ticket or table for the Hat Luncheon, you must be a Women’s Committee or Playground Partners member in good standing at the Patron level ($1,000) or above.
+ How can I get my children more involved in the Park?
We offer Playground Partners Family Volunteer days and Family Tour days each fall and spring, weather permitting. These are open to Playground Partners members and their partners and families in good standing at all levels, and activities are generally best for ages 4 and up.
+ How do I get early access to signature events?
Members at the Benefactor or Playground Steward level ($5,000) and above receive invitations to join the Frederick Law Olmsted Awards Luncheon Benefit Committee, granting earlier access to tickets for this and other signature Women’s Committee events. Benefactor members also receive invitations to exclusive opportunities such as to cocktail reception and premium seating at the NY Philharmonic Concert in Central Park, and our bi-yearly Women’s Committee Travel Experience.
+ How do I meet other Women’s Committee members?
Alongside our signature events, we host informal gatherings in the Park, such as our Insiders tour and reception, volunteer opportunities like weeding and bench painting, or meet and greet events at select locations in and near the Park. Women’s Committee members often make lifelong friends at our events!
+ I’m already a member; how can I get more involved?
We have several volunteer subcommittees who spearhead initiatives like membership recruitment and fundraising for select Park programs. If you are interested in joining one of these subcommittees, please contact Emily Reeder, Director of Women’s Committee Membership Programs, at 212.310.6655 or email
[email protected].
+ What is Champions?
The Champions program provides the opportunity to share the joys of volunteerism with your tween & teen children through in-park events and opportunities! Patron level members ($1,000) and above are eligible for this program.
We encourage anyone with children ages eleven and up to join the Women’s Committee as a Champion. To join as a Champion, check the “For Families with Teens: I'd like to join Champions.” box on our membership page, or contact our office directly at
[email protected].